A thousand cabin atmosphere lights only require one MCU! OSP bus connects LEDs and sensors
Classification:Industry News Release time:2023-10-23 09:54:27
The OSP bus is a serial bus, and with this bus architecture, the MCU side no longer requires additional costs, only interfaces are needed to connect. A differential bus can carry 1000 nodes, which can be understood as 1000 lights. Previously, it used to require several or even dozens of drivers to carry 1000 lights, but now it only requires a bus with two wires to string these 1000 lights together

The OSP bus is a serial bus, and with this bus architecture, the MCU side no longer requires additional costs, only interfaces are needed to connect. A differential bus can carry 1000 nodes, which can be understood as 1000 lights. Previously, it used to require several or even dozens of drivers to carry 1000 lights, but now it only requires a bus with two wires to string these 1000 lights together

Nowadays, the architecture of automobiles, especially electric vehicles, has gradually shifted from a distributed architecture to a centralized and centralized architecture. In this process of change, all functions have evolved from a distributed approach to a centralized direction, which requires more concentration of functions in local areas.

Intelligent surfaces are a typical example. The so-called intelligent surface, in intuitive understanding, is a hidden electronic button used to replace the traditional mechanical buttons in cars. There are multiple inevitabilities for such changes to occur.


Why is it difficult to make smart surfaces?

Firstly, there is cost. Traditional mechanical buttons are very complex, with expensive raw materials, and many modules need to be adjusted during the assembly stage, which will bring additional costs. And hidden electronic buttons can save this cost and achieve a lot of button functions on the electronic screen. Unlike mechanical buttons, electronic buttons can also achieve functional customization. All buttons can be flexibly customized in future applications through OTA upgrades.

Secondly, the current trend of simplified design is prevalent within the entire vehicle, and users often hope to hide the buttons as much as possible when they are not needed, without occupying valuable interior space.

Finally, the weight. The development of all electric vehicles follows the law of lightweighting, striving to make each component as lightweight as possible or using wireless technology to save wiring harness weight. Lightweight means power-saving, and the increase in battery life it brings can alleviate the range anxiety of electric vehicle users.

But implementing the application of smart surfaces is not so easy, seemingly simple functions actually encompass everything.

"Firstly, smart surfaces require sensors to work together, waking them up when needed and hiding them when not needed. Wake up means lighting coordination is required, and after waking up, pressure sensing should be performed to confirm such actions. After generating actions, feedback should be provided, similar to the tactile sensation of mechanical buttons, which requires vibration feedback to inform the user that the action has been completed." At the 11th EEVIA Annual China Hard Technology Media Forum and Industry Chain Research and Innovation Trend Outlook Seminar held recently, Bai Yangong, the Automotive Application Technology Director of AMS OSRAM in Greater China and Asia Pacific, introduced the company's latest solution for LED applications in vehicles using the example of central control intelligent surfaces.


Bai Yangong, Automotive Application Technology Director of Ames Osram Greater China and Asia Pacific

The central control screen is a typical intelligent surface application in the car, which contains various elements.

Firstly, pixelated LED areas. In the future interior space of the car, lighting will no longer be distributed in blocks, but in points, because various lighting effects need to be achieved in the interior space, such as displaying different colors or pixel based control according to different operations and application conditions.

Secondly, in such a control area, various buttons, sliders, knobs, etc. are required, and all of these controls require touch control, pressure detection, etc.

Finally, as the screen brightness is not fixed or simply bright or dark, it needs to be adjusted by the brightness of the surrounding ambient light. In many scenarios, it may be necessary to first extinguish and then awaken.


Bai Yangong believes that it is very difficult to integrate all functions in a very small space - even the simplest brightness adjustment. The reason why the brightness adjustment on the mobile phone is very fast is because it is equipped with a local light sensor, but currently there is usually only one central brightness sensor in the car. To achieve the brightness adjustment function, you need to first request the central area to obtain the brightness value before adjusting. When the external environment changes, this process will experience delays, making it impossible to achieve rapid adjustment.

In future automotive applications, many functions will be integrated from distributed scenarios to different domains for centralized management, blending everything together for smooth coordination. Is there a better and simpler way? Bai Yangong decomposed this problem into several aspects, including light sensors and light sources.