MVG testing and measurement solutions ensure the safety, stability, and efficiency of automotive antenna communication performance
Classification:Industry News Release time:2023-11-27 09:51:06
With the emergence of the next generation of advanced driving assistance systems and the increasing popularity of in vehicle entertainment devices, vehicles are using a large amount of wireless technology to achieve the connection between vehicle to vehicle (V2V), vehicle to infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle to network (V2N). For all stages of product development, design, and deployment, MVG has dedicated independent antenna testing, airborne (OTA) measurement solutions, and simulation software solutions for the automotive industry.

1. Full size vehicle antenna measurement and OTA testing

The SG 3000 is designed specifically for full-size automotive antenna measurement and OTA testing, covering a wide frequency range from 70 MHz to 10 GHz. In addition to measuring antenna radiation patterns and typical S-parameters, the SG 3000 can also perform OTA testing to provide analysis and results for engineers to ultimately determine the prototype, in order to meet the automotive connection requirements defined by 5GAA.

As a diverse system, SG 3000 is suitable for various facilities, and its system configuration can be changed to meet your specific needs and installation conditions: we can design arch bridges of different sizes for you, which can be fixed (F model) or mobile (M model) in structure; Therefore, you can either permanently install it in the anechoic chamber or move it into the anechoic chamber. The rotation of the tested device is controlled by a high-precision positioning system, which can achieve discrete and/or continuous real-time measurement.


SGS, the global leader in the fields of detection, validation, testing, and certification, has purchased SG 3000 for testing from components to full-size vehicles. This testing system will be the world's first to support automotive 5G FR1 NSA and SA, as well as C-V2X OTA measurements that comply with the 5GAA Vehicle Antenna Testing Method (VATM) standard and emerging UWB technology. Therefore, SGS can not only provide automotive manufacturers with testing, validation, and compliance services against increasing wireless standards and regulations, but the testing system will also become a component of SGS's one-stop advanced technology testing and certification solution in Suzhou, serving electric and/or connected vehicles and their networks in the Asia Pacific region.

2. Automotive subsystem testing solution: Combining automotive subsystem testing with digital modeling tools can save valuable time in performance optimization and antenna placement stages

·Compact and portable measurement systems for automotive subsystem testing

The measurement of automotive subsystems does not require large measuring equipment in many cases. Through compact portable measurement systems such as MVG StarLab 50GHz, the near-field measurement range can be used to accurately and effectively measure automotive subsystems near the simulated platform. StarLab 50 GHz is a near-field multi probe turnkey antenna measurement system used for passive antenna measurement and/or OTA testing, integrating cutting-edge technology in millimeter wave frequency measurement and analysis. It provides fast and accurate test results for various 5G devices, and its compact and portable design facilitates flexibility in the location and space of testing laboratories or production sites.

·A digital modeling tool for compact and portable measurement systems paired with automotive subsystem testing

These compact solutions are equipped with MVG Insight - a software that can calculate the true electromagnetic current distribution and extreme near-field on the tested antenna from measured near-field or far-field data, and then integrate it into simulation software to analyze its performance after installation on the car. MVG provides a cost-effective and compact alternative to large energy and resource consuming anechoic chambers, creating a range of convenient and flexible integrated antenna measurement tools.

MVG INSIGHT software:

Based on an innovative expression of the inverse problem of electromagnetic fields, INSIGHT has become the first software that can calculate the true electromagnetic current distribution and extremely near field of an antenna from near-field or far-field measurement data testing. INSIGHT provides a new link between measurement and simulation. Starting from antenna measurements, it allows you to create an equivalent model in the form of a near-field Huygens box. In numerical simulations of the most complex scenarios, this equivalent model can serve as the measured source, even including normalized antenna gain values.

MVG WaveStudio software:

From antenna prototype design to measurement of fully functional devices, the WaveStudio automated measurement software suite supports the full design of wireless devices through its antenna and OTA measurement functions. In the typical wireless device design process, in order to ensure that the antenna can work according to the design requirements after being integrated into the final product, antenna and OTA measurement are essential. There are many prototype iterations and constructions during the design phase, and they require passive antenna measurements from the beginning of the project, and once the equipment has the corresponding capabilities, active OTA measurements are also required. With the WaveStudio automated measurement software suite and an MVG system, you will be able to quickly and effectively complete all antenna measurements and comprehensive equipment testing indoors, ensuring that all design iterations meet project milestones.

MVG ANY-GROUP software:

MVG Any-Ground is one of the seven advanced post-processing software applications that connects to the MVG WaveStudio antenna automation measurement software suite. It is based on mirror theory technology and obtains a mirror field by mirroring the free space response onto an infinite plane. MVG Any-Ground can quickly evaluate the impact of ground plane on vehicle antennas, which is most suitable for the early stages of testing, as fast approximation is most useful in these stages.

Main features:

The Application of Mirror Theory

Automation algorithms

Quick processing

Easy to implement; No complex simulation